Yo-Han KIM Jisun YOON Jitae SHIN Janghoon YANG
In this letter, we propose a layered video streaming technique that combines network coding (NC), multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO), and hierarchical modulation (HM) over cellular relay networks. We provide a performance analysis of different transmission modes of NC and MIMO in terms of the error rate in video layers, which is reflected in the total layered-video quality. The HM is used to differentiate the error rates among video layers. The simulation results show that the NC, the MIMO spatial multiplexing (SM), and the combination of both the NC and MIMO-SM gives video-quality gains of about 1.9 dB, 6 dB, and 12 dB maximally, respectively, compared to the conventional single-input and single-output (SISO) single relay network (SRN) system.
We use network coding based on coded cooperation for the Two-Way Relay channel, where two nodes communicate with each other assisted by a third, relay node. We consider the time-division two-way relay channel without power control, which means the two users and the relay use the same transmission power. Using the proposed network coding approach, channel codes are used at both users and network coding is used at the relay. It is shown via simulation that the proposed scheme provides substantial coding gain in fading channels.
Hui GAO Xin SU Tiejun LV Ruohan CAO Taotao WANG
We propose a two-phase diversity scheme to achieve the end-to-end spatial diversity gain for physical-layer network coding (PNC) based two-way relay with a multiple-antenna relay node. A novel binary PNC-specific maximal-ratio-combining like (MRC-L) scheme is proposed to obtain receive diversity in the multiple-access (MA) phase with linear complexity; the Max-Min criterion based transmit antenna selection (TAS) is adopted to obtain transmit diversity in the broadcast (BC) phase. Both the brief diversity analysis and the Monte Carlo (MC) simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme achieves full diversity and outperforms other comparable schemes in terms of end-to-end diversity or power advantage.
Sung Kwon HONG Jong-Moon CHUNG
In this letter, two new network coding (NC) diversity enhancement schemes are introduced for wireless relay systems. Conventional diversity enhancement approaches for relay systems suffer from error propagation at each relay and exhibit second order diversity performance. In the proposed schemes, when a relay experiences a decoding failure, the relay makes a request to have the source transmit the NC frames to the destination in its time slot. Due to this operation, the proposed schemes prevent error propagation and achieve near third order diversity performance. The proposed schemes are compared to conventional schemes based on the derived mathematical error bounds and simulation performance, both of which demonstrate the superiority of the proposed schemes.
In this letter, dynamic decode-and-forward (DDF) protocol and static decode-and-forward (SDF) protocol are considered in a two-way half-duplex fading system, where two sources are equipped with multiple antennas and a relay is equipped with a single antenna. Their closed-form expressions of diversity multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) are derived, respectively. From the results, DDF always outperforms SDF in terms of DMT, achieves DMT gain over nonorthogonal amplify-and-forward (NAF) in low spectral efficiency scenarios, but is inferior to NAF in high spectral efficiency scenarios.
In network coding, for the case that the network topology is unknown completely, random linear network coding has been proposed as an acceptable coding technique. In this paper, we define average failure probability of random linear network coding in order to characterize the performance of random network coding, and then analyze this failure probability for different known topological information of network. We obtain several upper bounds on the failure probabilities, and further show that, for some networks, these upper bounds are tight or asymptotically tight. Moreover, if the more topological information of the network is utilized, the better upper bounds are acquired.
In a two-way half-duplex system where source nodes are equipped with multiple antennas and a relay with a single antenna, we study the diversity multiplexing tradeoff (DMT) achieved by orthogonal decode-and-forward (ODF), orthogonal amplify-and-forward (OAF), non-orthogonal decode-and-forward (NDF) and non-orthogonal amplify-and-forward (NAF), respectively. Their closed-form DMT are derived with given transmission time of each terminal, and optimized by allocating the transmission time. From these analyses, NDF achieves the best performance in terms of DMT in low spectral efficiency scenarios, while NAF outperforms other protocols in high spectral efficiency scenarios.
This survey summarizes the state-of-the-art research on network coding, mainly focusing on its applications to computer networking. Network coding generalizes traditional store-and-forward routing techniques by allowing intermediate nodes in networks to encode several received packets into a single coded packet before forwarding. Network coding was proposed in 2000, and since then, it has been studied extensively in the field of computer networking. In this survey, we first summarize linear network coding and provide a taxonomy of network coding research, i.e., the network coding design problem and network coding applications. Moreover, the latter is subdivided into throughput/capacity enhancement, robustness enhancement, network tomography, and security. We then discuss the fundamental characteristics of network coding and diverse applications of network coding in details, following the above taxonomy.
Network Coding (NC) can improve the information transmission efficiency and throughput of data networks. Random Linear Network Coding (RLNC) is a special form of NC scheme that is easy to be implemented. However, quantifying the performance gain of RLNC over conventional Store and Forward (S/F)-based routing system, especially for wireless network, remains an important open issue. To solve this problem, in this paper, based on abstract layer network architecture, we build a dynamic random network model with Poisson distribution describing the nodes joining the network randomly for tree-based single-source multicast in MANET. We then examine its performance by applying conventional Store and Forward with FEC (S/F-FEC) and RLNC methods respectively, and derive the analytical function expressions of average packet loss rate, successful decoding ratio and throughput with respect to the link failure probability. An experiment shows that these expressions have relatively high precision in describing the performance of RLNC. It can be used to design the practical network coding algorithm for multi-hop multicast with tree-based topology in MANET and provide a research tool for the performance analysis of RLNC.
Yosuke TANIGAWA Jong-Ok KIM Hideki TODE
Recently, network coding (NC) has been popularly applied to wireless networks in order to improve scarce wireless capacity. In wireless LANs, NC can be applied to packet retransmission, and a base station can simultaneously retransmit multiple packets destined to different wireless stations by a single retransmission trial. On the other hand, NC creates additional packet delay at both base station and wireless stations, and hence, packet transfer delay may increase seriously. However, existing NC-based retransmission methods do not consider this additional delay explicitly. In addition, when the number of flows is small, NC exhibits less benefit because the chances of NC-based retransmission are highly reduced. Therefore, in this paper, we propose a novel NC-based retransmission method in order to improve packet transfer delay and jitter of received packets. Moreover, to achieve further improvement of delay, jitter and retransmission efficiency even when there exist a small number of traffic flows, we propose a retransmission method in which NC-based retransmission cooperates with the typical ARQ method. We overcome the disadvantage of NC-based retransmission by combining with ARQ cooperatively. Finally, we show the effectiveness of the proposed methods by extensive computer simulation.
Chun-Hsiang HUANG Daisuke UMEHARA Satoshi DENNO Masahiro MORIKURA Takatoshi SUGIYAMA
Network coding is a promising technique for improving system performance in wireless multihop networks. In this paper, the throughput and fairness in single-relay multi-user wireless networks are evaluated. The carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) protocol and network coding are used in the medium access control (MAC) sublayer in such networks. The fairness of wireless medium access among stations (STAs), the access point (AP), and the relay station (RS) results in asymmetric bidirectional flows via the RS; as a result the wireless throughput decreases substantially. To overcome this problem, an autonomous optimization of minimum contention window size is developed for CSMA/CA and network coding to assign appropriate transmission opportunities to both the AP and RS. By optimizing the minimum contention window size according to the number of STAs, the wireless throughput in single-relay multi-user networks can be improved and the fairness between bidirectional flows via the RS can be achieved. Numerical analysis and computer simulations enable us to evaluate the performances of CSMA/CA and network coding in single-relay multi-user wireless networks.
Megumi KANEKO Kazunori HAYASHI Hideaki SAKAI
Recent advances in cooperative communication and wireless Network Coding (NC) may lead to huge performance gains in relay systems. In this context, we focus on the two-way relay scenario, where two nodes exchange information via a common relay. We design a practical Superposition Coding (SC) based NC scheme for Decode-and-Forward (DF) half-duplex relaying, where the goal is to increase the achievable rate. By taking advantage of the direct link and by providing a suboptimal yet efficient power division among the superposed layers, our proposed SC two-way relaying scheme outperforms the reference schemes, including the well-known 3-step DF-NC scheme and the capacity of 2-step schemes for a large set of SNRs, while approaching closely the performance bound.
Silva et al. proposed a universal secure network coding scheme based on MRD codes, which can be applied to any underlying network code. This paper considers a stronger eavesdropping model where the eavesdroppers possess the ability to re-select the tapping links during the transmission. We give a proof for the impossibility of attaining universal security against such adversaries using Silva et al.'s code for all choices of code parameters, even with a restricted number of tapped links. We also consider the cases with restricted tapping duration and derive some conditions for this code to be secure.
Yoshihisa KONDO Hiroyuki YOMO Shinji YAMAGUCHI Peter DAVIS Ryu MIURA Sadao OBANA Seiichi SAMPEI
This paper proposes multipoint-to-multipoint (MPtoMP) real-time broadcast transmission using network coding for ad-hoc networks like video game networks. We aim to achieve highly reliable MPtoMP broadcasting using IEEE 802.11 media access control (MAC) that does not include a retransmission mechanism. When each node detects packets from the other nodes in a sequence, the correctly detected packets are network-encoded, and the encoded packet is broadcasted in the next sequence as a piggy-back for its native packet. To prevent increase of overhead in each packet due to piggy-back packet transmission, network coding vector for each node is exchanged between all nodes in the negotiation phase. Each user keeps using the same coding vector generated in the negotiation phase, and only coding information that represents which user signal is included in the network coding process is transmitted along with the piggy-back packet. Our simulation results show that the proposed method can provide higher reliability than other schemes using multi point relay (MPR) or redundant transmissions such as forward error correction (FEC). We also implement the proposed method in a wireless testbed, and show that the proposed method achieves high reliability in a real-world environment with a practical degree of complexity when installed on current wireless devices.
In this paper, we derive a lower bound on the minimum decoding delay for convolutional network codes, which provides us with a guide line in the performance of decoding delay for convolutional network code decoders. The lower bound can be achievable by the sequential decoder introduced by E. Erez and F. Feder. Then we discuss the relationship between the network topology and the minimum decoding delay. Finally, we illustrate our results by an example.
Kaikai CHI Xiaohong JIANG Baoliu YE Susumu HORIGUCHI
Recently, network coding has been applied to the loss recovery of reliable multicast in wireless networks, where multiple lost packets are XOR-ed together as one packet and forwarded via single retransmission, resulting in a significant reduction of bandwidth consumption. In this paper, we first prove that maximizing the number of lost packets for XOR-ing, which is the key part of the available network coding-based reliable multicast schemes, is actually a complex NP-complete problem. To address this limitation, we then propose an efficient heuristic algorithm for finding an approximately optimal solution of this optimization problem. Furthermore, we show that the packet coding principle of maximizing the number of lost packets for XOR-ing sometimes cannot fully exploit the potential coding opportunities, and we then further propose new heuristic-based schemes with a new coding principle. Simulation results demonstrate that the heuristic-based schemes have very low computational complexity and can achieve almost the same transmission efficiency as the current coding-based high-complexity schemes. Furthermore, the heuristic-based schemes with the new coding principle not only have very low complexity, but also slightly outperform the current high-complexity ones.
Efficient bi-directional multi-hop wireless networks based on MIMO algorithm or network coding have been proposed in recent papers. This paper proposes a new technique named as MIMO network coding, that is a combination of network coding and MIMO algorithm for multi-hop relay networks. By using MIMO network coding, co-channel interference cancellation and efficient bi-directional transmission can be realized simultaneously with lower complexity in multi-hop networks. Moreover, Space Time Block Code (STBC) MIMO transmission is also introduced to achieve higher reliability in MIMO network coding. It is confirmed from numerical analysis that the MIMO network coding with STBC achieves higher capacity and reliability than conventional schemes.
Gia Khanh TRAN Kei SAKAGUCHI Fumie ONO Kiyomichi ARAKI
Infrastructure wireless mesh network has been attracting much attention due to the wide range of its application such as public wireless access, sensor network, etc. In recent years, researchers have shown that significant network throughput gain can be achieved by employing network coding in a wireless environment. For further improvement of network throughput in one dimensional (1D) topology, Ono et al. proposed to use multiple antenna technique combined with network coding. In this paper, being inspired by MIMO network coding in 1D topology, the authors establish a novel MIMO network coding algorithm for a 2D topology consisting of two crossing routes. In this algorithm, multiple network coded flows are spatially multiplexed. Owing to the efficient usage of radio resource of network coding and co-channel interference cancellation ability of MIMO, the proposed algorithm shows an 8-fold gain in network capacity compared to conventional methods in the best-case scenario.
In this paper network coding based relay for multi-access channel is studied. In the system, two nodes send messages to a common access point (AP). A relay assists the two nodes by forwarding a network coded version of the messages. The AP performs joint channel and network decoding to recover the two original messages from three received signals. Two schemes, soft network coding (SoftNC) and turbo network coding (TurboNC), both focusing on bitwise exclusive or (XOR) based network coding, are proposed to salvage messages from erroneous signals. SoftNC is simple and backward compatible with existing protocol stack of wireless networks, and reduces packet errors by maximal ratio combining (MRC). TurboNC improves channel efficiency by letting the relay node transmit only parity check bits of the interleaved XORed message, where reliability is retained by iterative decoding. Simulation results show that compared with the network-layer path diversity scheme, both SoftNC and TurboNC greatly improve the reliability, and TurboNC also achieves a much higher throughput. The proposed schemes are suitable for improving the performance of wireless local area networks (WLAN).
This paper proposes bidirectional packet aggregation and coding (BiPAC), a packet mixing technique which jointly applies packet aggregation and network coding in order to increase the number of supportable VoIP sessions in wireless multi-hop mesh networks. BiPAC applies network coding for aggregated VoIP packets by exploiting bidirectional nature of VoIP sessions, and largely reduces the required protocol overhead for transmitting short VoIP packets. We design BiPAC and related protocols so that the operations of aggregation and coding are well-integrated while satisfying the required quality of service by VoIP transmission, such as delay and packet loss rate. Our computer simulation results show that BiPAC can increase the number of supportable VoIP sessions maximum by around 87% as compared with the case when the packet aggregation alone is used, and 600% in comparison to the transmission without aggregation/coding. We also implement BiPAC in a wireless testbed, and run experiments in an actual indoor environment. Our experimental results show that BiPAC is a practical and efficient forwarding method, which can be implemented into the current mesh hardware and network stack.